Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat India

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Dated: April 29th,2015

"The first Priority of man is food and food cannot be produced without agriculture" - Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at 

Development of any country depends on the country's trade, commerce, industrialisation and agriculture. India is a vast country. More than half of its population is in rural areas and the only source of living in these rural areas is Agriculture. Our country India is a fertile Area. The climate here is suitable for the growth of all types of food. But nowadays Agriculture is no more given any importance.  As a result of which farmers quit Agriculture, which inevitably results in food shortages and inflation.

The Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, during his visit to India in 2008, perceiving these problems with his divine wisdom, drew the attention of the press reporters towards this important issue and said: 

"At the moment the focus is on urban areas which has meant that people are leaving rural areas and over populating the cities and towns. This has led to greater unemployment as the number of people is exceeding the number of jobs. The government must therefore realize that agriculture has to be developed." 

It is worth mentioning that the Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at himself is an expert in Agricultural Economics and is accredited with successfully growing wheat on Ghanian (Africa) soil for the first time in the nation's history. His Holiness insisted to promote agriculture saying: 

"The first priority of man is always food. Then the second priority is clothes to wear and the third is a home to live in. As I said the first priority is food and food cannot be produced without agriculture. We in the sub-continent have such a climate that we can grow all types of foods. India is doing this to an extent. Instead of using our own resources we are wasting them. We have scientists of all types, genetic scientists, horticulturists etc yet what we lack is a basic support to the individual farmers at a grassroots level." 

We are all well aware of the destitute condition of the farmers in India.  We come to know about such shocking tragedies on daily basis. It is the need of the era that all the organisations in India should join together to help and support the farmers leaving behind their political interests. We should play our role to nurture a new spirit of life in the disappointed farmers. We should value their lives and help them.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at is spreading this teaching of compassion because to strive for the development of the nation is also a part of our faith. The founder of this worldwide community Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, showing sympathy to God's creations says:. 

"A religion which does not teach common compassion is not at all a religion and a man who does not have compassion in his nature is not man." 

His Holiness further says: 

"I 'am sympathetic to the human kind as if a merciful mother to her children, but even more." nbsp;

According to this teaching of the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at we sorely plea to all the citizens of India to eliminate all forms of religious, political and caste discrimination and unite for the development of the nation. 

Incharge Press Desk,

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at India.


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