Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat India

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Dated: 17th June, 2015

Ramadan gives us the lesson to show sympathy to poor and this a month to eradicate poverty from the world

Ahmadiyya Muslim community conveys wishes to all the citizens of the country on the beginning of Ramadan

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community India conveys its best wishes and regards to all the Muslims of the world and citizens of India on the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan.
In Qadian the Headquarter of Ahmadiyya Muslim community India, Ramadan is welcomed as per Islamic traditions, Prayers, Darsul Quran, Dars Hadith and Taraveh are all conducted regularly In the mosques in Qadian. Charities, encouragement of the needy and poor and financial sacrifices are done by all the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community throughout India. May Allah make this month a source of blessing and righteousness for the whole world.
Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. In this month a Muslim keeps himself away from food and water and get training to deviate from all unnecessary things. A Person seeks the nearness of God almighty in this month as a result of which the helping tendency for his creation also increases in a person who fasts.
Ramadan is a month in which along with fasting, prayers and increasing moral values a person also renews his pledge to help the people who are in difficulty.
This is the month to eradicate poverty. A Muslim feels the difficulty and worry of the poor and hungry people and he starts showing sympathy towards the poor and involves in alms and charity.
The World Muslim literally includes the meaning of peace and security. A Muslim who fasts is ordered to not involve in any kind of disorder, instead he is commanded to be patient and steadfast. By this the month of Ramadan gives us the lesson of peace. In this month a Muslim stays away from every kind of unnecessary activities and ahead in righteousness. Ramadan reminds us about our united responsibility towards Justice, peace and dignity of humanity. This month is a key to universal Infer faith dialogues,
Tha members of Ahmadiyya muslim community pray and wish that may peace prevail in this world and this country becomes a cradle of peace and may poverty leaves our country and our country prosperous. Ameen


For further details please contact:
Incharge Press & Media, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at India,
Qadian-143516, Distt, Gurdaspur, Punjab,India,
Mobile: +91-9988757988, Email: pressamjindia@gmail.com,
Tel: +91-1872-500311, Fax: +91-1872-500178
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