The true pleasure of Eid can be only attained by bringing
Happiness to the lives of the poor.
Thousands of Muslims participated in the Eid prayer held
In the Head quarter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at in Qadian.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at prayed earnestly for the country and for the establishment of peace in the world.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim community India after the completion of the blessed month of Ramadan cerebrated Eid-ul-Fitr praising and thanking the Almighty God. The Eid Prayer was offered in Qadian the Head Quarter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in which thousands of Muslims participated. After the Eid Prayer and the Eid sermon lunch arrangements were made for the guests from the villages nearby. The Ahmadiyya Muslim community as per its practice invited poor people also in this moment happiness and also arranged lunch for them.
The Ramadan has come in our lives to teach lessons of righteousness, peace, tranquility and charity. After the conclusion of this blessed month Eid has come so that we can renew our pledge that the lessons taught by Ramadan shall be applied and practiced in the rest of our lives also.
It is the specialty of Islamic worship that along with the fulfillment of the rights of Allah it also urges to fulfill the rights of his creature. Likewise, Even the Eid of a Muslim when it brings the message of happiness to him and the Eid prayer is a token of thanks to the Almighty God in the same way it is also obligatory to pay the Sadqatul Fitr (Charity) through which we can also bring happiness to the lives of the poor. For this reason the Ahmadiyya Muslim jama’at according to the divine instructions of its Khulafa’s celebrates Eid with the poor by gifting them and joining them in our happiness. And by joining the poor in his happiness a Muslim can attain the true happiness of Eid.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community extends heartiest Eid wishes to all the Muslims and best regards for the whole world and it prays that May this Eid bring its blessings and tolerance between various faiths and universal peace and integrity. Ameen
For further details please contact:
Incharge Press & Media, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at India,
Qadian-143516, Distt, Gurdaspur, Punjab,India,
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