Dated: 9 March 2022

Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Warns of Horrific Consequences of a Global War and Says Ahmadi Muslims Must Be Ever Ready to Serve Humanity
- "A dark and ominous shadow has been cast upon much of the world and if, God forbid, the current situation escalates further, the consequences do not bear thinking about."
- "Humanity will face the monumental challenge of rebuilding the world piece by piece and it will be our duty, as Ahmadi Muslims, to be at the forefront of that effort"
- "We should be ready for a future where it may no longer be possible to rely on the relative peace and security of the Western world"
- "It will be our task, as Ahmadi Muslims, to be there to pick up the pieces and to apply a cooling balm upon the scorching wounds of mankind"
During a cautionary and far-sighted address, His Holiness spoke of his long-term vision for the IAAAE and guided its members about increasing the scope of their work. His Holiness spoke of his fear that a devastating and debilitating global war could be ignited at any time and stated that the IAAAE, and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community at large, should be ready to play their role in rebuilding society in the aftermath of such a war.

At the start of his address, His Holiness highlighted the humble beginnings of the IAAAE and how they initially carried out only small tasks, such as distributing torches and providing lighting and assisting at the annual conventions of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Now though, their work had evolved and greatly expanded and the organisation was increasing its effort to serve the needs of the underprivileged. His Holiness praised the numerous initiatives of IAAAE including large-scale projects such as constructing Model Villages in remote parts of Africa to provide essential amenities, such as electricity, water and other infrastructure. His Holiness mentioned that IAAAE was installing communication infrastructure that enabled the local people to also watch MTA International.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
"Through the installation of TVs and communications infrastructure, the local people are being exposed to the wider world and gaining knowledge of the latest developments and technologies. Therefore, the IAAAE's efforts are not only serving to alleviate hardship and deprivation but are also proving to be a source of education and information. Hopefully seeing such images and news will inspire the local children and youth to remain in education as long as possible and to learn more about new technologies so that they can better their personal situations and also play a positive role in the future development of their nations."
Turning to the conflict raging in Ukraine, His Holiness said the risk to the entire world was "extremely precarious and dangerous" and the IAAAE had a vital role to play in planning for its aftermath.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
"A dark and ominous shadow has been cast upon much of the world and if, God forbid, the current situation escalates further, the consequences do not bear thinking about ... Therefore, now is the time for the IAAAE to intensify its efforts to serve humanity and to prepare for all possible eventualities."
His Holiness said that it was the source of speculation that some wealthy individuals had built elaborate underground bunkers with state of the art facilities to protect themselves from the effects of a global war.

Highlighting the fallacy that such facilities will save the rich from the destructive consequences of the war, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
"Those who are able to shield underground should not be under the illusion that a fortified bunker will leave them immune to the devastating consequences of a world war. For one, living isolated lives underground will surely lead to a myriad of mental health issues, frustrations and anxieties. Furthermore, what will those rich people do when they emerge from their bunkers to find that life has changed beyond all recognition? What will they do when they see that those poor people upon whom they relied day and night now lay dead or maimed and a cloud of darkness had enveloped the world."

Speaking of the role Ahmadi Muslims and in particular IAAAE must play in supporting humanity and rebuilding the world after such a war, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
"Where we must pray that the world's leaders see sense and de-escalate before it is too late, we must also stand ready to play a leading role in rebuilding society if, God forbid, such horrific circumstances ever come to pass. Certainly, in the aftermath of such a war, humanity will face the monumental challenge of rebuilding the world piece by piece and it will be our duty, as Ahmadi Muslims, to be at the forefront of that effort."
His Holiness also pointed to the fact that the power dynamics of the world may drastically change after the war.
Expressing that some regions of the world may be spared from the resulting destruction, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
"It may be that African countries, certain islands and remote territories will not be directly affected. Accordingly, we should be ready for a future where it may no longer be possible to rely on the relative peace and security of the Western world and so we should assess how we can develop other parts of the world in order to fulfil the needs of humanity. We should consider and reflect upon how we can make those less-developed nations and regions stronger so that they can free themselves from the shackles of debt and stand with dignity and honour."

Again speaking of the fundamental role the IAAAE should play, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
"Consequently, the IAAAE must work with a long-term vision in mind. We should explore and analyse how the developing nations can utilise their very limited resources in order to acquire the best possible infrastructure, technology and services. You should consider it your long-term objective to help those nations who have been mired in perpetual debt, poverty and destitution to one day take their place as equals alongside the developed and industrialised nations, Insha'Allah."
His Holiness also advised the African nations that if and when their situation improves, they should not "develop those selfish ways and greed that have been a hallmark of the major powers."

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
"Most regrettably, it is this never-ending craving for power and wealth, whether on the part of Russia, the Western world or other major powers, that has led mankind down such a dangerous path that threatens to shatter the peace of the world. Thus, we must all fervently supplicate before Allah the Almighty praying for a peaceful resolution to this current conflict."
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad further stated:
"I also wish to say that if, God forbid, the world's political powers remain bent on forcing the world into a blazing fire of warfare and destruction, it will be our task, as Ahmadi Muslims, to be there to pick up the pieces and to apply a cooling balm upon the scorching wounds of mankind and society. It will be our obligation and duty to strive to rebuild society and to save mankind from further turmoil and sorrow."
As His Holiness concluded, he mentioned that the task at hand may seem daunting for members of IAAAE, however it is certainly achievable.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
"Perhaps, some of you will think that what I am saying is far beyond your scope. Yet, if we are sincere and fully committed, I firmly believe that, with the Help of Allah the Almighty, we can develop such proficient plans and large scale projects that governments and world leaders will seek our help and expertise, Insha'Allah."

Earlier, a report was presented by Muhammad Akram Ahmedi, the Chairman of the IAAAE, in which he outlined the main activities and projects of the Association during the past two years and also mentioned that a state of the art 'Masroor International Technical College' is being constructed in Nigeria to provide technical training and development for the local people.
The event concluded with a silent prayer led by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad
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