Dated: 25 March 2022

Members of Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya from Norway have Honour of a Virtual Meeting with Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
"Beseech Allah during your five daily prayers that He grants you His nearness" - Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad
On 20 March 2022, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad held a virtual online meeting with members of Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya from Norway.
His Holiness presided the meeting from MTA Studios in Islamabad, Tilford, whilst the Atfal joined the meeting virtually from the Baitun Nasr Mosque in Norway.
Following a formal session which began with the recitation of the Holy Quran, members of Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya had the opportunity to ask His Holiness a range of questions regarding their faith and contemporary issues.
One of the Atfal mentioned the conflict in Ukraine and asked what should happen now that both the Russian and Ukrainian presidents are refusing to come to an agreement.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad replied:
"When the war began, I issued a Press Statement that the various parties should desist from this war and come to an agreement, otherwise this war could spill over into a world war. If it becomes a world war, the consequences will be terrible. Therefore, the Russian and the Ukrainian presidents and NATO and the United States should act with sense and reason. All parties should act sensibly in order to save humanity. Otherwise, as I have said, the consequences will be extremely dangerous. So, we can only try to make people understand and pray, and for this we are doing all that we can. You should also pray that Allah the Almighty grants sense to the leaders so that they do not further escalate the war. In fact, the war already has gone quite far and so, pray that there is a ceasefire and they are able to resolve and settle their dispute. Otherwise, the outcome will be extremely terrifying and half the world will be annihilated. May Allah have mercy."
A Tifl asked His Holiness about what ethics and morals are and how they should be applied in one's daily lives.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
"There are more than 700 commandments in the Holy Quran and Allah the Almighty has told us what is good and what is bad. So, all those things which Allah the Almighty has commanded us to do are the good morals and all those things which Allah the Almighty has asked us to refrain from, they are the harmful and wrong things... A good Muslim should be morally good. Allah the Almighty says that you have two duties; one, to worship Allah the Almighty and discharge the rights of Allah the Almighty. [This includes] all the rights you owe with regards to Allah the Almighty. Secondly, you should discharge your duties towards your fellow beings. Always think good and do good for your fellow beings, for every creation of Allah the Almighty."
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad further explained and said:
"There are certain moral duties. You have to be good with your friends and as I have already said, worship Allah the Almighty, obey your parents, respect your elders, respect your teachers, give due attention to your studies and try to excel in knowledge - religious knowledge and secular knowledge. So these are the things which make you morally good. Always see that what are the bad things, which can corrupt your morals. Never watch those television programmes that are not good for your education, that are deviating you from good things, that are morally corrupting you and that are trying to involve you in the harmful things of the society. Never watch those programmes on the internet or on social media which can spoil your morals, which are not good for you, which let you go astray, which can cause you to deviate from your basic religious teachings. We have a guideline before us and that is the Holy Quran. Try to learn the meaning of the Holy Quran. So, find out all the dos and don'ts given in the Holy Quran and then follow it."
Another question also related to how to become a better person and attain the closeness of Allah the Almighty.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
"Beseech Allah during your five daily prayers that He grants you His nearness and brings you closer to Him. Always say good things and never speak ill or abuse anyone. You should not fight with other children. You should listen to your parents and respect them and also behave well towards your teachers. You should also speak in a good way with your class fellows and not quarrel with them. You should tell them that you are an Ahmadi Muslim and you can only do and speak good things and do not involve yourself in inappropriate conversations and you do not watch dirty videos and programmes and you do not spend your time watching wasteful programmes on the internet on tablets, phones and television. Instead of wasting your time, go out into the playing fields and play outdoor sports. So, this is what will make you a good human being and this will enable you to attain the nearness of Allah the Almighty."
Another Tifl mentioned that some children in his school call him 'dirty' because of him being a foreigner in Norway. He asked for advice on how he should respond.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
"So you should tell them that you are not dirty and that you do ablution five times a day when you do your prayers and so you are cleaner than them! If they say that you are a Muslim and a foreigner and therefore you are a bad person and by saying 'dirty' they mean you are not a good person then tell them that the real 'goodness' is in being morally good and pious. You should tell them that, 'Look, my morals are good, I worship Allah, and I speak good things with you and I think well of you and I do not fight with you. I study hard as well to get good grades so that when I grow older I can serve the country. I try to maximise my potential so that I am useful for my country and I can serve it when I grow older. So I am not dirty at all. You can think what you want of me. I do not think ill of you because if we start to think bad about others then it will give rise to hate. Our slogan is 'love for all, hatred for none'. Therefore you can call me what you want but I will not be abusive towards you and I will pray for you that Allah the Almighty may change your perspective.' So say these things to them."
On 20 March 2022, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad held a virtual online meeting with members of Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya from Norway.
His Holiness presided the meeting from MTA Studios in Islamabad, Tilford, whilst the Atfal joined the meeting virtually from the Baitun Nasr Mosque in Norway.
Following a formal session which began with the recitation of the Holy Quran, members of Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya had the opportunity to ask His Holiness a range of questions regarding their faith and contemporary issues.
One of the Atfal mentioned the conflict in Ukraine and asked what should happen now that both the Russian and Ukrainian presidents are refusing to come to an agreement.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad replied:
"When the war began, I issued a Press Statement that the various parties should desist from this war and come to an agreement, otherwise this war could spill over into a world war. If it becomes a world war, the consequences will be terrible. Therefore, the Russian and the Ukrainian presidents and NATO and the United States should act with sense and reason. All parties should act sensibly in order to save humanity. Otherwise, as I have said, the consequences will be extremely dangerous. So, we can only try to make people understand and pray, and for this we are doing all that we can. You should also pray that Allah the Almighty grants sense to the leaders so that they do not further escalate the war. In fact, the war already has gone quite far and so, pray that there is a ceasefire and they are able to resolve and settle their dispute. Otherwise, the outcome will be extremely terrifying and half the world will be annihilated. May Allah have mercy."
A Tifl asked His Holiness about what ethics and morals are and how they should be applied in one's daily lives.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
"There are more than 700 commandments in the Holy Quran and Allah the Almighty has told us what is good and what is bad. So, all those things which Allah the Almighty has commanded us to do are the good morals and all those things which Allah the Almighty has asked us to refrain from, they are the harmful and wrong things... A good Muslim should be morally good. Allah the Almighty says that you have two duties; one, to worship Allah the Almighty and discharge the rights of Allah the Almighty. [This includes] all the rights you owe with regards to Allah the Almighty. Secondly, you should discharge your duties towards your fellow beings. Always think good and do good for your fellow beings, for every creation of Allah the Almighty."

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad further explained and said:
"There are certain moral duties. You have to be good with your friends and as I have already said, worship Allah the Almighty, obey your parents, respect your elders, respect your teachers, give due attention to your studies and try to excel in knowledge - religious knowledge and secular knowledge. So these are the things which make you morally good. Always see that what are the bad things, which can corrupt your morals. Never watch those television programmes that are not good for your education, that are deviating you from good things, that are morally corrupting you and that are trying to involve you in the harmful things of the society. Never watch those programmes on the internet or on social media which can spoil your morals, which are not good for you, which let you go astray, which can cause you to deviate from your basic religious teachings. We have a guideline before us and that is the Holy Quran. Try to learn the meaning of the Holy Quran. So, find out all the dos and don'ts given in the Holy Quran and then follow it."
Another question also related to how to become a better person and attain the closeness of Allah the Almighty.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
"Beseech Allah during your five daily prayers that He grants you His nearness and brings you closer to Him. Always say good things and never speak ill or abuse anyone. You should not fight with other children. You should listen to your parents and respect them and also behave well towards your teachers. You should also speak in a good way with your class fellows and not quarrel with them. You should tell them that you are an Ahmadi Muslim and you can only do and speak good things and do not involve yourself in inappropriate conversations and you do not watch dirty videos and programmes and you do not spend your time watching wasteful programmes on the internet on tablets, phones and television. Instead of wasting your time, go out into the playing fields and play outdoor sports. So, this is what will make you a good human being and this will enable you to attain the nearness of Allah the Almighty."
Another Tifl mentioned that some children in his school call him 'dirty' because of him being a foreigner in Norway. He asked for advice on how he should respond.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
"So you should tell them that you are not dirty and that you do ablution five times a day when you do your prayers and so you are cleaner than them! If they say that you are a Muslim and a foreigner and therefore you are a bad person and by saying 'dirty' they mean you are not a good person then tell them that the real 'goodness' is in being morally good and pious. You should tell them that, 'Look, my morals are good, I worship Allah, and I speak good things with you and I think well of you and I do not fight with you. I study hard as well to get good grades so that when I grow older I can serve the country. I try to maximise my potential so that I am useful for my country and I can serve it when I grow older. So I am not dirty at all. You can think what you want of me. I do not think ill of you because if we start to think bad about others then it will give rise to hate. Our slogan is 'love for all, hatred for none'. Therefore you can call me what you want but I will not be abusive towards you and I will pray for you that Allah the Almighty may change your perspective.' So say these things to them."
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