Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat India

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Dated: 28 December 2024

The annual convention of the Ahmadiyya Community advocates international unity.

For establishing world peace various guidelines and principles were presented in the light of the teachings of Islam

The annual convention in Qadian, established by the command of Allah the Almighty through the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (peace be upon him), in 1891, presents a magnificent spectacle of interfaith harmony.

In this purely divine gathering, a session is held as interfaith conference where representatives from various religions, in the light of their respective teachings, express their thoughts regarding the establishment of peace, interfaith unity, and harmony. The founder of the Ahmadiyya Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (peace be upon him), emphasized honouring and respecting the leaders of other religions and their religious sentiments. This year, due to bad weather, the gathering was held in Masjid Aqsa. The honored guests who came to congratulate on the occasion were received at Dar-ul-Ziyafat.

The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (peace be upon him), stated: "O countrymen! That is not a religion in which the teaching of universal compassion is absent, nor is he truly human who lacks the essence of compassion. Our Creator has not distinguished among nations... He has assigned the earth as a place of sustenance for all and provided the sun, moon, and numerous other stars as luminous beacons for everyone. It illuminates other services too. Elements like air, water, fire, earth, and all other things produced by it, including grains, fruits, medicines, and more, benefit all nations. Hence, these divine ethics teach us to exhibit kindness and comportment towards our fellow human beings and not to become narrow-hearted or narrow-minded."

The distinguishing characteristic of the Ahmadiyya Community is its proactive involvement in serving humanity to the best of its ability, utilizing all available means, both individually and collectively.

To the extent possible, the Ahmadiyya Community makes efforts to alleviate hunger, treat the impoverished, and provide educational assistance.

At a time when the world is rapidly heading towards a third world war, the Fifth Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (May Allah be his Helper), has drawn the world's attention towards establishing peace. He emphasizes turning to God, fostering mutual brotherhood and compassion, and meeting the demands of justice and fairness. The worldwide leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has lectured in various significant parliaments throughout the world and corresponded with the heads of states as part of this initiative. His speeches and letters, under the title "World Crisis & the Pathway to Peace," have been published in written form.

In this Session leaders of various walks of life, local dignitaries, and a large number of neighbours from Qadian participated. Every participant appreciated the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat's efforts for establishing peace and praised the Jamaat's motto, "Love for All, Hatred for None."

Summaries of Second Day speeches as follows

Speech No. 1: Guidance from His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, May Allah be his helper, on Protecting Against the Adverse Effects of a Global War By Respected K Tariq Ahmad Sahib, Additional Nazir Islah-o-Irshad, Noor-ul-Islam, Qadian

Summary: In his speech, respected Mr. K Tariq Ahmad mentioned the precarious state of global affairs, highlighting the looming threat of war. He referenced the guidance of the current head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad (Khalifatul Masih V), may Allah be his helper. His Holiness, while reflecting on the state of the world, has warned the public about the causes of such warlike conditions and emphasized the means to avoid them.

Speech No. 2: The Status and Rank of the Khalifa of the Time, the Importance of Obedience to Khilafat, and the Blessings of Staying Connected to It By Respected Muzaffar Ahmad Nasir Sahib, Nazir Islah-o-Irshad Markaziya, Qadian

Summary: In his speech, respected Muzaffar Ahmad Nasir Sahib elaborated on the esteemed status of the Caliph, explaining it through vivid examples. He highlighted the profound blessings and spiritual benefits that an individual can attain through obedience to Khilafat and by remaining steadfastly connected to the Caliph. The speech served as a compelling reminder of the significance of loyalty to Khilafat in achieving both worldly and spiritual prosperity.

Speech No. 3: The Unparalleled Examples of Financial Sacrifice by Members of the Community and Divine Blessings (In Light of the Sermons and Addresses of His Holiness) By Respected Rafiq Ahmad Baig Sahib, Nazir Bait-ul-Mal Amad, Qadian

Summary: In his speech, respected Rafiq Ahmad Baig Sahib highlighted the extraordinary examples of financial sacrifices demonstrated by members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Drawing from the sermons and addresses of the current head of the Ahmadiyya Community, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vth, may Allah be his helper, he emphasized the countless divine blessings and favors that result from such sacrifices, showcasing how these acts of devotion lead to both spiritual and material prosperity.

Speech No. 4: The Address of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) "Ahmadiyyat: The True Islam" - Its Background and Lasting Impact By Respected Munir Ahmad Khadim Sahib, Additional Nazir Islah-o-Irshad, South India, Qadian

Summary: In his speech, respected Munir Ahmad Khadim Sahib elaborated on the historical significance of the address delivered by the second Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra), titled "Ahmadiyyat: The True Islam." He explained that this book was written during a time when Islam was divided into various sects, and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community faced relentless criticism and objections from other groups. In this ground-breaking work, Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) clarified the beliefs and principles of the Ahmadiyya Community and expounded upon the true teachings of Islam. The speaker further illustrated the lasting impact of this book and how it continues to inspire and guide generations.

Speech No. 5: Jama'at-e-Ahmadiyya and Humanitarian Services By Respected Tanveer Ahmad Khadim Sahib, Incharge Rishta Nata Department, Qadian

Summary: In his speech, respected Tanveer Ahmad Khadim Sahib highlighted the humanitarian efforts carried out by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. He explained how every auxiliary organization within the community prioritizes humanitarian service as a fundamental part of its agenda. The speaker elaborated on the dedication of community members to this cause and how they consistently adhere to the principles of serving humanity, setting remarkable examples of selflessness and compassion.


For further details please contact:
Incharge Press & Media, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at India,
Qadian-143516, Distt, Gurdaspur, Punjab,India,
Mobile: +91-9988757988, Email: pressamjindia@gmail.com,
Tel: +91-1872-500311, Fax: +91-1872-500178
Noorul Islam Toll Free Number: 1800-103-2131

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